Diazepam for Fear of Flying

The Practice has reviewed its benzodiazepine prescribing and based on current national guidelines will no longer prescribe benzodiazepines or sedatives (such as diazepam) to patients for fear of flying. This will be effective as of 1st January 2025.

Register with us as a New Patient

It is is important to note that you can only permanently register with a GP practice if you’re staying in the area for more than 3 months.

How to Register

The Turret Medical Centre is contracted by Greater Glasgow & Clyde Primary Care NHS Board to provide General Medical Services to patients resident in G64 (Torrance only) and G66 postcode areas.

To register we ask that you come into the Practice in person and our reception staff will be happy to help you. If you have an NHS card it is helpful if you can bring this along but it is not essential. We do need to know the name and address of your last GP so that we can request your medical records. You will need proof of your home address which must be within our catchment area and also some ID (Passport, Drivers License etc). Please refer to our registration policy below and why we ask for this.

To register your baby please come into Reception and one of our Reception staff will get you to complete the necessary forms. You will need your baby’s birth certificate. 

We also ask that you do not arrive to register after 5:30pm to allow time for the registration process to be completed.

Acceptance on to the list is as at the discretion of the Doctor. Please note that your medical records may take several weeks to arrive at the Practice.

There are a number of reasons why you may not be able to register with your chosen GP, for example you may live too far away. If this is the case simply choose another GP in your local area.

New Patient Checkups

After registering with us you will be offered a new patient appointment with one of our nurses. The nurse will ask you some questions about your your health and check your blood pressure, height and weight. Please bring along a fresh urine sample to this appointment. A white topped bottle for your sample can be collected from our reception desk.

Please note: it can often take some time to transfer your medical records from your last GP. If you are on several medications you need to make an appointment with a GP so that your medications can be reviewed and issued. Please bring along a list of your repeat medications (right side of your most recent prescription form).